Deadlines and Other Useful resources

Deadlines and Other Useful Resources

This purpose of this page is to have, in one organized place, all of the things that are due for you per unit for this class, and by when they are due.  


Unit 5: Food

1. Homework 1 and 2: (Due by the starting time of your next class)

  • Homework 1, Option 1: Restaurant Dialogue (you can do this assignment by yourself, or with up to 2 partners)
    • Step 1: write a script of a dialogue between a waiter and a customer. 
    • Your script should include the following content:
      • Quantity of Nouns and Expressions (from Part 1 of lecture)
      • Correct Native English structure when ordering food (from Part 2 of lecture)
      • Some American Food Vocabulary (from Part 3 of lecture)
    • Step 2: Make an audio or video of yourself saying your dialogue. 
    • Step 3: Submit your script and audio/video together with Homework 2. 
  • Homework 1, Option 2: Food Store Owner (you can do this assignment by yourself, or with up to 2 partners)
    • Step 1: You are a food store owner. Write a script talking about (a) at least 3 foods you have in your store, (b) describing the taste, texture and way you prepare/cook these 3 foods, and (c) what is the taste of these 3 foods in your store. Also it should have (d) the theme of your store, or type of food your store focuses on selling (for example, healthy food, Chinese food, American food, food inspired by Disney movies, etc.) You can be creative with your theme choice!
    • Your script should include the following content:
      • Quantity of Nouns and Expressions (from Part 1 of lecture)
      • Correct Native English structure when ordering food (from Part 2 of lecture)
      • Some American Food Vocabulary (from Part 3 of lecture.
    • Step 2: Make a ppt, word document, or file of images to show me what your store brand/logo looks like, and a picture of the 3 foods you talked about.
    • Step 3: Make an audio or video of yourself saying your dialogue. 
    • Step 4: Submit your script and audio/video together with Homework 2.
  • Homework 2: NCE 5 days a week speaking practice (you can only do this assignment by yourself)
    • Step 1: Download the NCE app. Spend 15 minutes a day, for 5 days of the week, to listen to sentences on the app. Repeat the sentences out loud as you listen, so you can practice speaking and pronunciation. Record your voice as you are doing this. Put all your recordings together in one file from the 5 days.
    • Step 2: Compress/Zip your file of recordings. Submit this compressed/zip file on WeChat with Homework 1.

2. Quiz 1, Part 1: Discussion Preparation (Due 24 hours BEFORE the starting time of your next class)

  • Prepare for your discussion next week, which will be the first phase of a Semester-long project. 
  • Step 1: 
    • Think of 6 books/movies/comics/videos/audios/apps/art/poetry or other media that either (a) define what you think is the purpose of your life, (b) represent your greatest passions, if you could do anything you want in life, and/or (c) represent the way you wish to contribute to society and civilization in your life. / 想想6本书/电影/漫画/视频/音频/应用程序/艺术/诗歌或其他媒体,要么(a)定义你认为是你生活的目的,(b)代表你最大的激情,如果你可以在生活中做任何你想做的事,和/或(c)代表你希望在生活中为社会和文明做出贡献的方式。
    • These 6 works can be from any language, culture or period in history. /这6部作品可以来自任何语言、文化或历史时期。
    • Be creative, and think hard, especially about what you value in life, and what your passions are. / 要有创造�,要认真思考,特别是你在生活中的价值观,以及你的激情是什么。
  • Step 2: Write an English short paper (at least 100 words) about (a) what 6 works you chose, and (b) why you chose these works.  
  • Step 3: Put images of, or link to each of your 6 works, in either the same document as your paper, or in a ppt, word document or compressed file. I want to be able to see your 6 chosen works. 
  • Step 4: sign up for a discussion session in this link: . During this discussion, we will talk briefly about your work. Prepare to talk about what works you chose, and why you chose them.
  • Note: Quiz 2, Part 2 Credit will be received for attending the discussion you sign up for successfully. 

3. Youku Unit 5 Playback Links: 

4. Surveys:

 5. English Practice Team Competition Week 2: (Record your points by Sunday, May 9th at 7 pm)